The First Nations Infrastructure Resilience Toolkit (FN-IRT, or the Toolkit) helps First Nation communities assess the vulnerability of their infrastructure, buildings, and facilities due to extreme weather and manage those risks in a lifecycle context. The Toolkit also helps First Nations develop and implement sound asset management practices to forecast capital replacement and operations and maintenance (O&M) investment needs over the useful life of their assets. This enables them to maximize the benefits of their investments, while maintaining or improving levels of service.
The Toolkit is comprised of three modules that were developed based on current best practices and industry standards; Module 1 - Data Structure & Source; Module 2 -Climate Risk Assessment (CRA) also referred as FN-PIEVC (First Nations Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee) and Module 3 - Asset Management Plans (AMP)
Module 1 all contains reference to climate trends that was obtained through consultation with community members, Elders, Hunters, and other local sources. They have been validated by weather station data, if
available. Future climate projections that may impact the infrastructure was sourced from published projections, or from the results of climate models, if available.
Both Modules 2 & 3 refer to information regarding community infrastructure that resides in Module 1 and is a register for infrastructure data derived from Asset Condition Reporting System (ACRS), the Integrated Capital Management System (ICMS), the PSAB 3150 Tangible Capital Assets (TCA) register, and other First Nation infrastructure reports.